Reads like a Dentist’s Advertisement

I periodically like to check out the wisdom tooth page over on Wikipedia. Recently I came across the talk page which has an interesting comment near the bottom written on September 3, 2012, “There is very little discussion of how common it is to have wisdom teeth, and how often wisdom teeth pose no problems if left alone. Nor is there adequate discussion of how often extraction is necessary when they do pose problems. Some lip service is paid to it in the “controversy” ghetto, but in the end the discussion of the “controversy” is equivocating and unclear. As a whole, the article conjured up the image of an eager, pushy dentist insisting that, “Yeah, buddy, wisdom teeth are a huge problem! It may not seem like it, but it’s bad – trust me, I know these things – … Read more

Porcelain Laminate Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of a tooth to improve the aesthetics of the tooth or protect the tooth from damage to to the surface. Composites and dental porcelain are the two main types of materials that are used to fabricate a dental veneer. A porcelain veener must be fabricated in a dental laboratory whereas a composite does not have to be. Porcelain laminate veneers were first researched in the early 1980s. This research found that porcelain can be etched with hydrofluoric acid and  porcelain veneers can be bonded on the surface of a tooth permanently. Since then advances in ceramic materials, adhesive technology (bonding agents), and clinical techniques have allowed for porcelain laminate veneers to evolve into the treatment of choice for minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry. Various factors affect the … Read more

Rogue Dentist’s Crusade

An interesting article appears recently over on Yahoo by Liz Goodwin, December 3, 2012, titled “Rouge dentist’s 30-year crusade against wisdom teeth removal extracts results,” located over at The article discusses 86 year old (retired) dentist and public health advocate Jay Friedman. I have talked about Dr. Friedman before such as on this post The article on Yahoo states “Friedman has argued for more than 30 years that removing a young person’s healthy wisdom teeth — called “third molars” by professionals — is an unnecessary and irresponsible practice. …Many dentists and oral surgeons have dismissed him as a traitor and a zealot…” The article discusses how oral surgeons have been angered by Dr. Friedman and have questioned his qualifications. Some say he is biased against wisdom teeth extractions because his aim is to save the insurance industry money. … Read more

Music To Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Gangnam Style

I have previously made several posts with some recommendations for some music you can listen to if you are recovering from wisdom teeth removal surgery. See the posts Music to Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Christian Music, Music to Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Jazz Songs, Music to Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Rock and Roll Songs, and Music To Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: YouTube Musicians. Now I wanted to make another post about some things you can do after having  your wisdom teeth extraction and this time make it Gangnam Style! PSY – Gangnam Style If you haven’t heard about this video yet, it is now the most watched video on YouTube and has over 800 million views. It recently surpassed Justin Bieber’s “Baby” which was previously the most watched video on YouTube. PSY’s … Read more

Keeping the Germs Off Your Toothbrush

Kayla Holiday writes for, which offers discount dental plans nationwide. She enjoys keeping people up to date on dental news and helping them save money on dental care. A toothbrush is a very important part of any dental hygiene routine. Toothbrushes are key in removing plaque from the surface of your teeth, even in hard to reach areas. However, your toothbrush could also be key in causing illness and stimulating bacterial growth in your mouth, depending on how well you’re taking care of it. Germs are on every surface. They are always present. Your toothbrush is especially vulnerable to housing germs as it contains both the plaque from your teeth, and it typically rests in the least sanitary room in the house—the bathroom. Airborne germs from the toilet or unwashed hands touching items near your toothbrush could all be … Read more