Potential Alternatives to the Current Medico-Legal System in the United States

On my site I discuss numerous issues with the current legal system and how this relates to the medical system with a focus on third molar (wisdom teeth) removal. See http://www.teethremoval.com/legal_system_medical_malpractice, http://www.teethremoval.com/legal_standpoint.html, and http://www.teethremoval.com/dental_malpractice.html. One issue is that there are a host of different damage caps (non-economic ‘pain and suffering’ awards) in different states throughout the United States. This can sometimes limit the amount a patient can receive even if there was gross negligence by the dentist or oral surgeon. Hence this can prevent fair compensation from being awarded. Another issue with the legal system is that sometimes when patients suffer complications and problems due to negligence they will not be able to sue due to the case not being able to get a very large settlement amount. In addition, these legal cases can drag on for years and years … Read more

Perioperative Information for Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth) Removal

A recent study titled “An Evaluation of Patients’ Knowledge About Perioperative Information for Third Molar Removal,” appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol. 70, pages 12 – 18, 2012). The study attempts to look at what patients know about third molar (wisdom teeth) removal before having surgery performed. The study was conducted by authors in Brazil and Kentucky (United States). The study explains on being nervous and anxious before having wisdom teeth removed can actually cause a longer surgery, more potential swelling, and even more pain. Hence there is incentive for the surgeon and the surgical team to help produce a calming environment for patients to help reduce anxiety which can lead to potentially better outcomes. The study had 67 patients which included 43 female and 24 males who had 1 or more wisdom tooth removed. The … Read more

One Star Yelp Reviews on Wisdom Teeth

In this post I will examine some recent 1 star reviews of a dental and/or oral surgery practice on Yelp and some of the comments received. At an office in Seattle, Washington, a women writes in her review on Yelp ” I am still upset about what happened. It is a very long and disturbing story. Basically – [the doctor] performed the surgery in a very cold room [on my 19 year old daughter] and seriously damaged a muscle in her jaw. Within 24 hours after surgery she could not open her mouth more than a quarter inch….the doctors determined that she had a massive infection in her jaw and immediately put her on IV antibiotics….it took FOUR months for the damage to heal & for her to be able to open her mouth normally!” At a dental center in Virginia … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Thoughts From Around the Internet

I try to highlight scientific analysis and debate regarding wisdom teeth and the risks and benefits of extraction on my site. The wisdom teeth controversy page is good start on the subject of wisdom teeth removal for those interested. It is a bit surprising to see other people’s opinion on the internet of the subject of wisdom teeth removal. Below are some comments by those who have vocally said they feel wisdom teeth removal is a scam around the internet. Over on Yahoo Answers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100508164012AAamuki a user says “Wisdom teeth are the BIGGEST scam in America TODAY!” Another user on Yahoo Answers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101227193912AAyScR7 says: “wisdom teeth extraction is a money making scam used by dentists…” Mike Adams over at Natural News http://www.naturalnews.com/019414.html says “It’s just a revenue generating procedure that’s dishonestly pushed onto patients who gladly go along with anything … Read more

Being Thankful For What We Have A Dentist Perspective

An interesting article ran in the MyView Section of the American Dental Association titled “A time to be thankful for all that we have,” written by Richard A. Mufson, D.D.S., and published November 7, 2011. http://www.ada.org/6541.aspx In the article Dr. Mufson discusses how he will typically ask other dentists the standard question of “how are you?” This typically goes into discussions of the dental practice and whether or not financially the practice is doing well or not. Dr. Mufson then says he had no real desire to talk about the dental practice but about how the person really is. Dr. Mufson goes on to say “When caught up in our daily routines and the trials and tribulations of everyday life, many of us may not always be closely in touch with, nor take the time to be grateful for, aspects in our … Read more