Wisdom Teeth Conspiracy: Electronic Eavesdropping Device

This story may sound a bit bizarre but actually is true. In the 1989 a U.S. Air Force veteran requested copies of his dental treatment records from the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in New Hampshire. He believed he had dental treatment at this facility in 1981 and “….sought his dental records because he believed an electronic eavesdropping device had been planted in his mouth after his wisdom teeth were removed.” Unfortunately at this time the medical records were on paper and the dental records never turned up. So I guess this begs the question of whether or not a listening device can be planted in a tooth extraction socket. I think the technology may be there and it may be possible but I highly doubt this a common occurrence. I suppose this could be possible with a radio-frequency … Read more

ADA Straight From the Mouth

The ADA (American Dental Association) has a video podcast series called Straight from the Mouth. The second video is titled “Overcoming Dental Anxiety.” http://ada.org/straightfromthemouth.aspx The press release from the ADA on this podcast was posted in September 28, 2009. http://ada.org/3241.aspx. However, it still says on the Straight from the Mouth Video Podcast that many other videos are coming soon. It seems like the ADA may have decided not to have these podcasts come out or they just haven’t posted them. If anyone has any information let me know. The podcast is hosted by two dentists Ruchi Nijjar Sahota and Eric Grove. It seems appropriate to younger audiences and is upbeat. The video is important for many of those who suffer from dental anxiety. It discusses needles, drills, and water used for dental procedures. Needles of course are used to anesthetize … Read more

Which Caption Will You Choose: Wisdom Teeth To Remove or Not?

Flickr Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/joebeone/5016877623/ and has a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. This post is by no means realistic. These images are fake. However real tactics like these have actually been used before by the drug industry as a form of disease mongering although not applied to the wisdom teeth debate to my knowledge.

Music To Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: YouTube Musicians

If you are recovering from having your wisdom teeth out or soon will be having surgery to have your wisdom teeth removed you may be looking for something to do. One thing I enjoy doing these days is listening to musicians on YouTube.  Below are some artists I have enjoyed lately with some of their music embedded for your enjoyment. Kurt Hugo Schneider. http://www.youtube.com/user/KurtHugoSchneider Kurt is doing extremely well for himself and has over 1 million YouTube subscribers. He graduated from Yale in 2010 with a degree in mathematics and has his own Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Hugo_Schneider The video below is produced by Kurt Hugo Schneider and features “Just a Dream” originally by Nelly with Sam Tsui http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Tsui  and Christina Grimmie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Grimmie http://www.youtube.com/user/zeldaxlove64 on the vocals. Tyler Ward. http://www.youtube.com/user/TylerWardMusic Tyler is my favorite musician on YouTube and is an extremely talented kind individual. … Read more

Successful and Positive Wisdom Teeth Removal Experiences

In the past I posted survey respondent elaborations of their wisdom teeth removal experience that were negative as in the outcome was not what they were expecting. For some of these you can see https://blog.teethremoval.com/wisdom-teeth-surgery-survey/ and https://blog.teethremoval.com/wisdom-teeth-extraction-survey/ If you have a spare few minutes please complete the wisdom teeth removal survey I have created which is linked to below. http://teethremoval.polldaddy.com/s/6E8CF57E23BD9041 Below are some survey responses of those who have had positive wisdom teeth extractions. All ages given are at the time of surgery. A 23 year old female who had 2 wisdom teeth removed says For me, the worst part was the “laughing gas”. Other than that, I have had no bleeding post-surgery, almost zero swelling, and have not needed to take any pain medication beyond Advil. A 48 year old male who had 4 wisdom teeth removed says after … Read more