Vertigo and Dizziness After Wisdom Teeth Removal

One of the rare complications that can occur after wisdom teeth removal is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) where one experiences symptoms of vertigo and dizziness. This is discussed over on the wisdom teeth complications page at I have a long running survey on this website where I ask people to share their experiences with wisdom teeth removal see Some previous survey responses appear over at,,, and A few recent entries to my survey have discussed what seems to be getting BPPV after wisdom teeth removal. A Canadian women who had wisdom teeth extracted at age 21 said: “Diagnosed with BPPV 7 months after removal and chronic sinus infections that started 2 months after removal of wisdom teeth.” An American man who had wisdom teeth extracted at age 30 said: ” I went to … Read more

Practice Based Wisdom Teeth Removal Study

An interesting article titled “Recommendations for Third Molar Removal: A Practice-Based Cohort Study,” appears in the April 2014, issue of the American Journal of Public Health (Vol. 104, No. 4, pp. 728-734), by Joana Cunha-Cruz and et. al. In the article a dental practice based research network Northwest Practice-based REsearch Collaborative in Evidence-based DENTistry (PRECEDENT) is used. A total of 50 general dentists enrolled patients from May 2009 to September 2010.  In the study a total of 797 patients who had wisdom teeth (third molar) recommendations from their general dentist were used who were aged 16 to 22. However, the patients were asked to take a survey every 8 months and then a clinical visit 24 months later.  From this sample of 797 patients only 516 completed at least one follow up questionnaire. In the study the general dentists reported that … Read more

The Costs of Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth) Management

I have previously commented on the costs associated with wisdom teeth in a 2013 blog post that was based on a 2012 article appearing in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (see More recently, another article discussing the costs of wisdom teeth has appeared in the 2014 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery titled “The Cost of Third Molar Management” written by Gino Inverso, Ronald Heard, and Bonnie L. Padwa (issue 72, pp. 1038-1039). This article takes the position that most previous studies focused on discussing wisdom teeth costs when taking the position from the cost of billing to private insurance companies. Their article attempts to use the true cost which they feel should help promote discussion of the topic of retaining or removing healthy disease free wisdom teeth and possibly increase access to care. In their analysis they determine the … Read more

Active Surveillance For Managing Retained Wisdom Teeth

An interesting expert opinion by Thomas B. Dodson appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery vol. 70, issue 9, supplement 1, pages 20-24, 2012, titled ” Surveillance as a Management Strategy for Retained Third Molars: Is It Desirable?”  The author opens by describing in the third paragraph that the treatment of symptomatic disease-free wisdom teeth can be challenging. The author states in the third paragraph “Absent good evidence, management decisions should incorporate the clinician’s experience and expertise, and after a careful, balanced review of the risks and benefits of both treatment options, weigh heavily the patient’s wishes and desires regarding extraction versus retention. The opinions in this chapter reflect the author’s personal decision-making process based on a careful literature review and clinical experience/expertise.” The author opens by describing his clinical classification of wisdom teeth rationale. He states that … Read more

Looking at the Timing of Removal of Wisdom Teeth and It’s Effect on Complications

An interesting study by M. Anthony Pogrel titled “What Is the Effect of Timing of Removal on the Incidence and Severity of Complications?” appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, vol. 70, issue 9, supplement 1, pages S37-S40, 2012. The author sets out to explore if younger patients (less than 25 years) have a decreased risk for postoperative complications than older patients.  The author begins by describing three studies in the literature that have shown that complications associated with wisdom teeth removal increase after 25 years of age. I have also mentioned several of these studies over at The author then goes on to discuss that recovery for patients of wisdom teeth surgery older than 21 may be delayed after extraction (by two studies). The author then discusses that mandibular fracture and tuberosity fracture may occur after … Read more