Diabetes and dentistry: Two issues which go hand-in-hand

If you happen to hear a conversation about diabetes – you could be forgiven for not realizing it can have a direct impact on your mouth. Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between diabetes and your teeth. This correlation was mentioned in an article by a Dorset dentist which led to further exploration. Here, it was outlined how there are two problems which can occur as a result of diabetes. The topic has been investigated in more detail to put together the following guide. This takes a look at both of the problems which were highlighted in the initial article, before embarking on some top tips to make sure you don’t become part of the unlucky group who is affected. Problem #1 – Periodontal disease Few people will have heard of the condition known as periodontal disease, but … Read more

Additional link between cardiovascular and periodontal disease

A new study has shown a relationship between chronic periodontitis (gum disease) and lacunar infarct which both impact the eldery. Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums while lacunar infarct is a type of cerebral small vessel disease that has the possibility of leading to a stroke. Researchers hypothesize that periodontitis leads to systemic inflammation and the health of the blood vessels can be affected. Furthermore, chronic periodontitis and lacunar infarct may share some common vascular risk factors such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes. The researchers observed that people diagnosed with periodontal disease had roughly a 4-fold increased risk of developing lacunar stroke compared to those without periodontitis. The researchers feel further interventional studies should be performed to assess the potential benefit of periodontal therapy in patients with lacunar stroke and periodontitis. Periodontal treatment may also decrease systemic inflammation and may reduce the risk of … Read more

Blueberry extract could help treat periodontitis

In an article by Amel Ben Lagha and et al titled “Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifoliumAit.) Polyphenols TargetFusobacterium nucleatumand the Host Inflammatory Response: Potential Innovative Molecules for Treating Periodontal Diseases,” a discussion is made that blueberry extract could be used for treating gum disease (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015; 63 (31)). Gum disease occurs when bacteria form biofilms or plaques on teeth and the gums become inflamed. In ore severe cases this condition is called periodontitis and requires antibiotic use. By potentially using blueberry extract instead of antibiotics periodontitis could be treated. When gum disease occurs the gums get red and swollen an can bleed easily. If the condition is not treated periodontitis can occur. In order to treat periodontitis dentists scrape off tartar and use antiobitics. Researchers have been exploring other natural ways to treat gum disease. As … Read more

Treating Gum Disease Reduces Prostate Symptoms

Researchers have shown that treating gum disease can lead to a reduction in prostate inflammation or prostatitis. Previous research has shown there is a link between gum disease and prostatitis. The research was conducted at  Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and the Departments of Urology and Pathology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. The research appear in a journal article of Dentistry titled “Periodontal Treatment Improves Prostate Symptoms and Lowers Serum PSA in Men with High PSA and Chronic Periodontitis.” The study included 27 men who were ages 21 and older. Each man had had a needle biopsy within the past year that showed inflammation of the prostate gland and elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. The men all were asked questions on the International Prostate Symptom Score regarding their quality of life and if they had any urination … Read more

Modern Britons Have More Gum Disease than Roman Britons

A study of skulls at the Natural History Museum by King’s College London has shown that the Roman British population from 200 to 400 AD appears to have had less gum disease than we have today. Gum disease is also known as periodontitis and has been covered before numerous times on this blog. The researchers examined 303 skulls from a Roman-British burial ground in Dorset for evidence of dental disease. Around 5% of the skulls showed signs of moderate to severe gum disease compared to today’s population which shows around 15 to 30% of adults have gum disease. Many of the Roman-British skulls showed signs of infections and abscesses and around half had caries (cavities). In addition the skulls showed extensive tooth wear from a young age likely due to their diet. The researchers say that Roman-British population did not … Read more