Xylitol Gummy Bears

The tooth protecting sugar substitute xylitol has been incorporated into gummy bears to produce a sweet snack that may prevent dental problems. Giving children four of the xylitol bears three times a day during school hours results in a decrease in the plaque bacteria that cause tooth decay. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is frequently used as a sweetener. It has been shown to reduce levels of the harmful mutans streptococci bacteria  known to cause tooth decay. Xylitol chewing gums are  not considered to be suitable for younger children. A recent study demonstrates that six weeks of xylitol gummy bear snacking, the levels of harmful MS bacteria in the children’s plaque was significantly reduced. However, I have seen studies and reports that dogs die from ingesting a small amount of xylitol. Thus I do not think that … Read more