Unnecessary Medical Care and Over Used Tests: The Choosing Wisely Campaign

The Choosing Wisely Campaign is an initiative which I believe I first heard about in late 2010 launched by the ACR (American College of Radiation as the Imaging Wisely Campaign) The Imagely Wisely Campaign was designed to have people aware of the fact that certain medical imaging tests such as CT exams were sometimes over used and did not always have to be used in some instances. It seems that the Choosing Wisely Campaign was launched by the ABIM Foundation which is an organization designed to advance medical professionalism to improve patient care. In April 2012 the Choosing Wisely Campaign released some lists of tests and procedures commonly done in 9 medical professions that should be questioned.  In February 2013 an additional 18 lists of tests or procedures were released. The press release is located at http://www.choosingwisely.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/021513_CW-Phase-II-Press-Release-FINAL.pdf On the website … Read more

Should you Stay Out of the Medical Businesses

Dr. McDougall, who I have written about before on this blog, see https://blog.teethremoval.com/how-to-protect-yourself-from-abusive-doctors/ and https://blog.teethremoval.com/food-children-and-diet, discussed in August, 2011, an article from Newsweek about the importance of avoiding some medical tests and treatments http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2011nl/aug/110800.htm. The Newsweek article is titled “The One Word that Can Save Your Life: No!,” by Sharon Begley, August 14, 2011. http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/08/14/some-medical-tests-procedures-do-more-harm-than-good.html. Dr. McDougall in response to the article says “You and your family cannot win by being familiar with doctors, drugs, and hospitals. Just like you do not want to be on a first name basis with morticians, lawyers, auto mechanics, and plumbers, you do not want a doctor as a best friend or your calendar littered with appointments to visit these professionals. An undeniable fact is that the more you see doctors, the more likely you are to be tested and treated; for better or … Read more

Some New Wisdom Teeth and Dental Information Websites

Recently I have come across a few new websites in the dental space and wisdom teeth space on the internet. Update as of June 2019 both of these websites are dead and no longer exist. 1) One of these websites is http://www.teethcenter.com. This site says  “TeethCenter is an organization committed to providing consumers and dentists with an online resource for dental related and news and information. There are many “health” sites on the web, but, not a prominent site dedicated to dental news and information.” The website looks quite nice but it’s articles in terms of quality are the typical. For example, on the page “Should I Have my Wisdom Teeth Pulled,” discussion is made of some reasons for and against wisdom teeth removal but not statistics/data to help aid the reader is presented.  I have provided a lot of … Read more

Reads like a Dentist’s Advertisement

I periodically like to check out the wisdom tooth page over on Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisdom_tooth Recently I came across the talk page which has an interesting comment near the bottom written on September 3, 2012, “There is very little discussion of how common it is to have wisdom teeth, and how often wisdom teeth pose no problems if left alone. Nor is there adequate discussion of how often extraction is necessary when they do pose problems. Some lip service is paid to it in the “controversy” ghetto, but in the end the discussion of the “controversy” is equivocating and unclear. As a whole, the article conjured up the image of an eager, pushy dentist insisting that, “Yeah, buddy, wisdom teeth are a huge problem! It may not seem like it, but it’s bad – trust me, I know these things – … Read more

What does the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Mean for Americans?

Yahoo finance recently asked the question “Obamacare Will Become Reality: What Does it Mean for You?” by Kevin Chupka, November 13, 2012. The article discusses the Affordable Care Act which I recently discussed on this blog in the article Health Care Should Not Be Framed in the Personal Responsibility Narrative. The Affordable Care Act of course is widely known as Obamacare as is slanted to go into effect in the U.S. in 2014. The article from Yahoo Finance article says “Under Obamacare, states have two key decisions to make: (1) Whether to create state-run exchanges where people can shop for and select their health insurance coverage from an online marketplace, and (2) Whether to expand Medicaid coverage for low-income Americans.” The article further discusses how pre-existing conditions will need to be covered and how it is quite possible that insurance … Read more