More Oral Pathogens and Less Bacterial Diversity in the Mouth Could Precede Stomach Cancer

Researchers at the New York University College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) and New York University School of Medicine have found that elevated pathogen colonization and a lack of bacterial diversity in the mouth were identified in people with precancerous lesions that could precede stomach cancer. This work provides evidence that the increase in pathogens associated with periodontal disease (gum disease) could contribute to the development of precancerous lesions of stomach cancer. The specific finding of the study is that poor oral health is associated with an increased risk of precancerous lesions of stomach cancer. The potential of developing periodontal disease is one of the main risks of keeping wisdom teeth as discussed over at The American Cancer Society estimates that 26,370 new cases of stomach or gastric cancer were diagnosed in 2016, and this lead to 10,703 deaths.  Evidence suggests that chronic … Read more