Teeth Straightening Options to Treat Crooked & Misaligned Teeth

When we think of braces a vivid picture of a metal mouth comes to our mind. Slowly, this picture is fading away as orthodontic advancements have allowed people of any age to correct their misaligned or crooked teeth with methods that are beyond traditional metal wires and brackets.   Common Causes of Misaligned or Crooked Teeth The cause of misaligned teeth is often attributed to hereditary factors. However, research has provided enough evidence that point to other causes too. Some of the causes are as follows: Breathing through mouth Tongue thrusting Reverse swallowing Thumb sucking Incorrect jaw development due to allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture Different Teeth Straightening Procedures for Crooked or Misaligned Teeth 1. Braces Braces are now not restricted to metal wires. Technology and innovations have empowered today’s orthodontists to offer more teeth straightening options than ever … Read more