Multi-Million Dollar Award In New York for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A 49 year old man had issues with a wisdom tooth. He went to several different times and had him attempt to remove it. He was sent home believing the extraction had been performed. However, the dentist had stopped the extraction after learning that the tooth was fused to the bone. Several hours after returning home, the man was rushed to the emergency room and was diagnosed with air emphysema and residuals roots by an oral surgeon. The oral surgeon than extracted the remaining portions of the wisdom tooth. Both the oral surgeon and dentist were found liable for the man’s injuries as neither obtained informed consent for the procedures they performed. The man has been unable to return to work as a hydro-geologist, and remains totally disabled as a result of his constant pain. He suffered extensive oral nerve … Read more

Avoiding Nerve Injuries with Lower Wisdom Teeth

A study (in press) appears in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2012) titled “Early extraction: a silver bullet to avoid nerve injury in lower third molar removal?” by Q. B. Zhang and Z. Q. Zhang. At the beginning of the article the authors discuss how lower third molars show the highest incidence of impaction and are responsible for pathology such as pericoronitis, periodontitis, pain, cysts, tumors, and second molar-tooth crown resorption. I have discussed the risks of keeping wisdom teeth in over here The authors also discuss the complications associated with removal of third molars which I have elaborated on in great detail here In this study two groups of patients from China were grouped: A) those less than 23 and with immature teeth, and B) those greater than 23 and with mature teeth. Group … Read more

Reconsideration of decision making for third molar extraction

An article recently appeared in the Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery titled “Reconsideration of decision making for third molar extraction, “(vol. 37, pages  343-348, 2011) by Wonse Park and et al. I am unable to read the article since it is in Korean but the abstract is in English. The introduction of the article states “Third molar extraction is one of the most common procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The impacted third molar causes many pathological conditions, such as pericoronitis, caries, periodontitis, resorption of adjacent teeth, and cyst or tumors associated with impacted teeth. Extraction is often considered the treatment of choice for impacted lower third molars. On the other hand, imprudent extraction of deeply impacted third molars can cause permanent complications, such as inferior alveolar nerve damage. Therefore, guidelines for the extraction of … Read more

Using Computed Tomograph (CT) To Lower the Incidence of Wisdom Teeth Removal Nerve Injuries

A question that everyone who has wisdom teeth wants to know these days is the following: “If you use Computed Tomography (CT) can it lower the risk of developing a nerve injury from having wisdom teeth removed?” Three authors from Spain (Sanmarti-Garcia, Valmaseda0-Castellon, Gay-Escoda) recently conducted a study asking this question titled “Does Computed Tomography Prevent Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injuries Caused by Lower Third Molar Removal?” appearing in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol 70, pages 5-11, 2012). The issue is as stated by the authors is that “panoramic radiography alone cannot identify the buccolingual position of the mandibular canal and the 3M roots.” Computed tomography (CT) is able to show this information. Even so an estimated 40% of cases show superposition of the roots and the mandibular canal. Hence many of the potential CTs performed may potentially … Read more

Long Term Effects of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries from Dental Care

A study was published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery titled “Long-Term Outcome of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries Related to Dental Treatment” by M. Anthony Pogrel, Ryan Jergensen, Eric Burgon, and Daniel Hulme. (vol. 69, pages 2284-2288, 2011) that looked at long-term effects of those who suffer from permanent nerve injury from dental treatment particularly involving the third molars or wisdom teeth. A total of 145 patients with 95 female and 50 male patients were involved in the study who had suffered a trigeminal nerve injury affecting either the inferior alveolar nerve or lingual nerve and in 8 cases both nerves. Nineteen patients (13.1 %) reported that their employment was affected, while 21  patients (14.5%)  reported problems with their relationship, 53  patients (36. 6%) reported depression, 55  patients (38%) reported problems speaking and pronouncing words correctly, 63  patients (43.5%) reported … Read more