Good News for Dental Phobes: Pain-Free and Needle-Free Dentistry May be Coming

Dental visits often evoke fear and anxiety, largely due to the dreaded needle and potential pain associated with procedures. But what if there was a way to experience pain-free and needle-free dentistry? Griffith University in Australia is currently trialing a revolutionary device called the Nuralyte that may offer pain and needle free dentistry the future. The reseaschers are developing a technology utilizing light to temporarily block nerve conduction in the teeth and jaw, mimicking the numbing effect of a traditional injection. One burst of light from the Nuralyte may provide 15 to 20 minutes of pain relief. Unlike X-rays, the energy in this light source does not alter DNA. Developed by tech start-up Dentroid, the Nuralyte holds immense potential to transform the dental industry. For individuals with dental anxiety or those who experience difficulty achieving complete numbness from injections, this … Read more