Is it Safe to Drink Large Amounts of Pineapple Juice after Wisdom Teeth Surgery that People on TikTok are Doing?

Recently, several young adults have been trying a remedy prior to having their wisdom teeth removed where they drink a large amount of pineapple juice. This has been shared on TikTok by several people. Mackenzie Fuhrman, who is a 21 year old nursing student, shared on her TikTok a video that shows her with a 46 ounce can of pineapple juice. She also says she has a few smaller cans she will add to it to make 64 ounces. She is doing this based on another TikTok video she saw where a woman named Valeria drank 64 ounces of pineapple juice prior to her wisdom teeth surgery (see as a way to prevent swelling after the procedure and provide nearly instant recovery. Mackenzie said that she further researched about pineapple juice and found scientific proof to back the claims. … Read more