Sedative-induced sexual fantasies a risk in dentistry

An intersting article titled “The Impact of Sedative Hypnotic Drugs on Hallucinated Sexual Assault or Sexual Fantasies Involving Health Professionals: A Systematic Review” appears in the 2023 edition of the Journal of clinical pharmacology written by M. White and M. White. The article seeks to conduct a review on the issue of hallucinated sexual assaults caused by drugs used in denstry like midazolam while dental procedures are peformed on patients. This topic has been covered before on this site see for example the post Hallucinations While Taking Anesthesia: Implications for Sexual Assault. In the article discussion is made of how real sexault assaults have occured in the medical setting. An example is made of a 21 year old college woman who was given 10mg of diazepam intravenously while having a procedure performed and her doctor innappropriate touched her. Examples of … Read more