New Approach to help Bones Heal

An interesting article titled “Expansion of the sagittal suture induces proliferation of skeletal stem cells and sustains endogenous calvarial bone regeneration” written by Zahra A. Aldawood and et. al. appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (vol. 120, no. 16, 2023). The article explores a new method to promote bone regeneration in mice. The researchers discuss how in newborn humans and mice and thse up to arond 2 years of age, calvarial bone defects, on the skullcap, can naturally regenerate. This abiliy to naturally heal damage to the bones that form the top of the skull, is lost in adults. The calvarial sutures are reservoirs of calvarial skeletal stem cells (cSSCs), which are cells responsible for calvarial bone regeneration. The authors believed the regenerative potential of the newborn calvaria is from the presence of a large number of cSSCs … Read more