Can Neck Hyperextension During Dental Treatment Lead to Stroke Like Symptoms?

An interesting article titled “Major Neurological Deficit Following Neck Hyperextension During Dental Treatment: Report of 2 Cases and Review of the Literature,” written by Victor G. El-Hajj and et. al. appears in the 2022 edition of the The Neurologist. The authors discuss two cases where patients had dental treatment performed and then suffered from neurological impairment due to hyperextension of the neck. Both patients had routine dental treatment done and had their necks overstretched which lead to a hopsital stay. The first patient discussed was a 67 year old man who saw his dentist for bridgework. He had been taking a medication for high blood pressure for nine years but had no history of cerebrovascular events. The man’s dental work took around 45 minutes and he was given local anestheisia. His neck had to be extended during the procedure to … Read more

What are Dental Extractions?

Dental extractions are the process of removing teeth. They typically are not painful. Dental extractions can range in difficulty depending on factors including position, anatomy, and density of bone. They can be simple or complicated, requiring a surgical approach. A dental anesthetic is used to freeze the extraction site to prevent pain during dental extraction. Patients usually have mild discomfort following dental extraction that can be relieved with pain killers such as Ibuprofen. What Are Dental Extractions? Teeth are extracted when they aren’t performing their normal functions. These could include teeth that would cost too much to repair or teeth with deep decay which could damage nerves and other healthy teeth in your mouth if they were left untreated. Sometimes dental extractions are necessary for orthodontic purposes. Extractions can range in difficulty depending on factors including position, anatomy, and density … Read more

Relatable Reasons Why Adults Should Consider Braces

There are ample reasons for adults to get braces. Although people usually get braces during adolescent years, with changing times, many adults are opting for braces to straighten their teeth. Oral health may change unexpectedly, leading to teeth moving and causing dental issues. An adult may be uncomfortable with their smile or have trouble with oral hygiene because of the placement of your teeth. To put things in perspective, below are a few reasons adults may opt for braces: Affordable Treatment Options:Braces are one solution to numerous dental issues, including overbite, underbite, misalignment & even hypodontia. The best part about considering braces as an adult is that they are affordable. You may choose from traditional braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, or Invisalign according to your budget. These days, most dental practices offer flexible payment options that you can use to … Read more

5 Important Food Habits to Follow If You Have Braces

Did you get metal, clear or ceramic braces to fix your crooked teeth? If yes, then you have to take measures to maintain them properly. You need to change your eating habits to make sure you get all the benefits of orthodontic treatment without any issues or damage. 1. Say No to Sugar Sugar is an absolute no-no if you have braces. Sugary food debris can get stuck in your teeth and braces. The sugar from these foods will mix with the plaque on the teeth and create acid which damages the teeth enamel. The higher the sugar intake, the more damage will be done to the teeth enamel. This acid can also create permanent white spots on your teeth. Sugary foods will lead to cavities as well. 2. Eat Smaller Bites Do not bite into whole fruits, vegetables or … Read more

Teeth Straightening Options to Treat Crooked & Misaligned Teeth

When we think of braces a vivid picture of a metal mouth comes to our mind. Slowly, this picture is fading away as orthodontic advancements have allowed people of any age to correct their misaligned or crooked teeth with methods that are beyond traditional metal wires and brackets.   Common Causes of Misaligned or Crooked Teeth The cause of misaligned teeth is often attributed to hereditary factors. However, research has provided enough evidence that point to other causes too. Some of the causes are as follows: Breathing through mouth Tongue thrusting Reverse swallowing Thumb sucking Incorrect jaw development due to allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture Different Teeth Straightening Procedures for Crooked or Misaligned Teeth 1. Braces Braces are now not restricted to metal wires. Technology and innovations have empowered today’s orthodontists to offer more teeth straightening options than ever … Read more