Coconut Oil May Help with Tooth Decay

Coconut oil may be able to attack the bacteria that causes tooth decay. A team from the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil in its natural state and coconut oil that had been treated with enzymes. The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria which are common inhabitants of the mouth. They found that enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibited the growth of most strains of Streptococcus bacteria including Streptococcus mutans — an acid-producing bacterium that is know to be a major cause of tooth decay. In the future the researchers plan to examine how coconut oil interacts with Streptococcus bacteria at the molecular level and which other strains of harmful bacteria and yeasts it is active against. The team also showed that the enzyme-modified coconut oil was harmful to the yeast Candida … Read more

Porcelain Laminate Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of a tooth to improve the aesthetics of the tooth or protect the tooth from damage to to the surface. Composites and dental porcelain are the two main types of materials that are used to fabricate a dental veneer. A porcelain veener must be fabricated in a dental laboratory whereas a composite does not have to be. Porcelain laminate veneers were first researched in the early 1980s. This research found that porcelain can be etched with hydrofluoric acid and  porcelain veneers can be bonded on the surface of a tooth permanently. Since then advances in ceramic materials, adhesive technology (bonding agents), and clinical techniques have allowed for porcelain laminate veneers to evolve into the treatment of choice for minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry. Various factors affect the … Read more

Teeth Whitening Options

Teeth Whitening Before you choose to have your teeth whitened it’s best to go and see your dentist first. Whether whitening at home or having it done by a professional, your dentist will be able to give advice to you on which products and services will be best for you. In-surgery whitening, administered by a professional, it is mostly risk free a procedure that promises immediate results, though it can be costly. At-home whitening is preferred by many who want a great smile without the costly price tag and these days there’s an abundance of affordable teeth whitening products on the shelves. Paint on teeth whiteners are applied twice daily like a toothpaste and, while less effective than bleaching or laser whitening, are able to lighten teeth by up to five shades. More effective than the paint whiteners are teeth … Read more

Gum Disease More Common With Old Age

A recent study which appeared in Nature Immunology shows that the deterioration in gum health which occurs with increasing age is associated with a drop in the level of a chemical called Del-1. Periodontitis is a disease of the gums which causes bleeding and bone loss which can, over time, lead to loss of teeth. Periodontitis  is caused by an over-active immune response to bacteria that grow in the mouth. As people age they are more likely to suffer from inflammatory diseases, including gum disease. The new research investigated gum disease in young and old mice and found that an increase in gum disease in the older animals was accompanied by a drop in the level of Del-1. Del-1 is known to restrain the immune system by stopping white blood cells from sticking to and attacking mouth tissue. In mice that had … Read more

Dental Cleanings May Reduce Stroke and Heart Attack Risk

A study in Taiwan looked at those who have had professional tooth scraping and cleaning performed and found that they had reduced risks of stroke and heart attack. The study showed that more frequent scraping/cleaning was associated with more reduced risk compared to never having teeth cleaned/scraped or occasionally having it performed. The study looked at over 100,000 people and found that if either a dentist or dental hygienist scraped and cleaned teeth those people in that group had a 24% lower risk of a heart attack and a 13% lower risk of a stroke when compared to those who never had a dental cleaning performed. The people in the study were followed for an average of 7 years. The study was conducted using data from the Taiwan National Health insurance data base. One of the researchers was Emily (Zu-Yin) … Read more