Does the U.S. Need Universal Healthcare? Thoughts on Universal Healthcare from Democratic Presidential Candidates and Twitter

Many Americans are not satisfied with the current health care system. Before on this site it has been argued how the U.S. is in need of a single-payer health care system, see the post The Cost of Health Care in the U.S. compared to Other Countries. Many democratic presidential candidates in 2020 have come out in favor of universal healthcare. Also looking through tweets on Twitter one can see that many in the U.S. are also in favor of universal healthcare. However, a single-payer health care system does not go far enough and should also include dental care. As has been discussed in the post ADA Breaking Down Barriers to Oral Health for All Americans: Repairing the Tattered Safety Net Americans are increasingly finding it difficult to pay for dental care. Dental care is also intimately tied to health care. … Read more

Do Physicians Have a Responsibility to Meet the Health Care Needs of Society?

An interesting article appears in the Fall 2012 issue of the The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics by Allan S. Brett titled “Physicians Have a Responsibility to Meet the Health Care Needs of Society.” Allan opens the article by addressing a question that was posed to Ron Paul in the 2012 presidential election by Wolf Blizter which I mentioned before on this post Allan aruged that Ron Paul agreed with the sentiment that “physicians have a responsibility to meet the health care needs of society.” In the article Allan makes the following case. “In the rest of this essay, I first demonstrate that society is already organized— at least in part — to rescue sick people regardless of ability to pay, and that society is not prepared to abandon that general guiding principle. It follows that physicians — … Read more

Primary Care Doctors Moving to the Concierge Model

So if you haven’t heard by now, many primary care physicians have been, as of recently moving to a “concierge model.” In fact, a primary care doctor I was seeing for a while decided to do this. When is the last time you have been to your primary care physician (pcp) as perhaps they have as well? Just go on pcp websites across the U.S. and you may see the trend. For example, a practicing physician Dr. Rob discusses how he is Dropping Out over on “I will be starting a solo practice that does not file insurance, instead taking a monthly “subscription” fee, which gives patients access to me.” In the post he discusses his top 3 frustrations with the current health care system too many patients, not getting paid properly for providing care, and non-patient issues such … Read more