An Australian perspective of removing or retaining wisdom teeth (third molars)
An article titled “Cost effectiveness modelling of a ‘watchful monitoring strategy’ for impacted third molars vs prophylactic removal under GA: an Australian perspective” appeared in the July 2015, British Dental Journal and written by A.A. Anjrini, E. Kruger, and M. Tennant (issue 219, pp. 19-23). The article discusses the direct and indirect costs associated with removing impacted wisdom teeth in Australia. A news article appearing on the Australian ABC Science ( titled “Wisdom teeth: are we removing them more often than needed?” by Anna Salleh and written on August 17, 2015, discusses some of the points made in the journal article. The authors were interested in determining if a watchful waiting monitoring strategy should be used for impacted wisdom teeth or if a prophylactic strategy should be used. They looked at hospitalization data for impacted wisdom teeth removal for 2008 … Read more