Personal Injuries After Wisdom Teeth Removal

For many wisdom teeth surgery means having surgery for an hour or so, resting up at home and eating a restricted diet for a few days at home afterwards, and then getting back on with their normal life. However, wisdom teeth removal does not always go to plan and many suffer from complications, such as described at For some of these people, the complications can be very life altering and life changing. They may even mean life as it once was will never be the same. Many patients who suffer from complications file civil lawsuits and sue in an attempt to be awarded damages including money. Cases of personal injuries after wisdom teeth are described at Other examples of these cases have been discussed in past blog posts such as Was Wisdom Teeth Removal Performed Without Consent that … Read more

Management for an Ectopic Wisdom Tooth

One of the medically necessary valid reasons that the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons gives for removal of a wisdom tooth is if it is in an ectopic position. So the question is what exactly is the ectopic wisdom tooth and what should one do about it? In the article titled “Removal of ectopic mandibular third molar teeth: literature review and a report of three cases” written by Ahmed and Speculand appearing in Oral Surgery in 2012 (vol. 5, pp. 39-44) discussion is made of a literature review of ectopic wisdom tooth along with three cases of lower ectopic wisdom teeth. In the article titled “Ectopic wisdom tooth in the condyle area” written by Mourouzis et al. appearing in Oral Surgery in 2011 (vol. 4, pp. 194–196) discussion is made of an upper ectopic wisdom tooth in a … Read more

The Predictive Value of using Panoramic X-Rays for Wisdom Teeth Surgery Complications

An interesting article titled “Predictive Value of Panoramic Radiography for Injury of Inferior Alveolar Nerve After Mandibular Third Molar Surgery,” appears in the 2017 edition of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol. 75, pp. 663-679) written by Su et al. The article sought to explore if panoramic x-rays taken before wisdom teeth removal can predict possible injury of the inferior alveolar nerve. In the article the authors discuss how inferior alveolar nerve injury is the third most common complication following wisdom teeth removal. When inferior alveolar nerve injury occurs numbness of the lip or chin can occur along with difficulty speaking and chewing food. Current studies have shown inferior alveolar nerve injury occurs about 8% of the time after wisdom teeth removal with less than 1% expected to be permanent. Current practice has shown that panoramic x-rays can … Read more

What to do with an Inverted (Upside Down) Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

An interesting article titled “An unusual case of an inverted and impacted maxillary third molar,” written by Rammal and Alfonso appears in Oral Surgery in 2014 (vol. 7, pp. 109–111). The article discusses a case of an inverted and impacted upper wisdom tooth. In the article the authors discuss how there are seven possible positions that a tooth can be classified into and one of these is the inverted position where the the root apex faces the alveolar crest and the crown faces the maxillary sinus. In such a presentation the tooth appears as if it is growing into the maxillary sinus and the tooth clearly has no use for chewing in the mouth. The authors state: While inverted impacted third molars [wisdom teeth] remain dormant without significant manifestation, removal presents difficulty because of the need to remove large amounts … Read more

Osteomyelitis after Wisdom Teeth Removal can Lead to Multiple Reconstructive Surgeries

Wisdom teeth removal is not without risks and complications such as osteomyelitits can occur. Osteomyelitits is an inflammation and infection of bone cortex and marrow that develops in the jaw. Some symptoms that can occur with osteomyelitits include high body temperature, increased pain, and neck swelling. In some cases emergency treatment is required to prevent death. In a case in 2012, a 24 year old man woman had an upper left and a lower right wisdom tooth extracted by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Five days after surgery the woman returned to the oral surgeon’s office where he discoveredmild swelling near the lower right wisdom tooth site, without pus, and a large amount of food debris. He irrigated the area, placed gel foam packing, and gave the woman a prescription for penicillin. Ten days after surgery the woman returned to … Read more