Using Computed Tomograph (CT) To Lower the Incidence of Wisdom Teeth Removal Nerve Injuries

A question that everyone who has wisdom teeth wants to know these days is the following: “If you use Computed Tomography (CT) can it lower the risk of developing a nerve injury from having wisdom teeth removed?” Three authors from Spain (Sanmarti-Garcia, Valmaseda0-Castellon, Gay-Escoda) recently conducted a study asking this question titled “Does Computed Tomography Prevent Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injuries Caused by Lower Third Molar Removal?” appearing in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol 70, pages 5-11, 2012). The issue is as stated by the authors is that “panoramic radiography alone cannot identify the buccolingual position of the mandibular canal and the 3M roots.” Computed tomography (CT) is able to show this information. Even so an estimated 40% of cases show superposition of the roots and the mandibular canal. Hence many of the potential CTs performed may potentially … Read more

Perioperative Information for Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth) Removal

A recent study titled “An Evaluation of Patients’ Knowledge About Perioperative Information for Third Molar Removal,” appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol. 70, pages 12 – 18, 2012). The study attempts to look at what patients know about third molar (wisdom teeth) removal before having surgery performed. The study was conducted by authors in Brazil and Kentucky (United States). The study explains on being nervous and anxious before having wisdom teeth removed can actually cause a longer surgery, more potential swelling, and even more pain. Hence there is incentive for the surgeon and the surgical team to help produce a calming environment for patients to help reduce anxiety which can lead to potentially better outcomes. The study had 67 patients which included 43 female and 24 males who had 1 or more wisdom tooth removed. The … Read more

Advocacy White Paper on Third Molar Surgery by AAOMS

Recently the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) issue a Press Release located over at In the conclusion of the press release it states “The AAOMS encourages patients and their families to talk to their general dentist, orthodontist or family physician to determine whether third molar surgery is indicated. If a decision is made to retain these teeth, regular dental check-ups and good dental hygiene to control or prevent periodontal disease are essential.” The press release discusses a recent Advocacy White Paper released on Third Molar Surgery. This is located at I think the this recent White Paper issued on November 10, 2011, is well worth the read for anyone considering having elective healthy wisdom teeth surgery performed. The paper mentions some of the recent controversy of the medical necessity of removing erupted and impacted third molars. Numerous references to … Read more

14 Year old Boy Dies Within 24 Hours of Having Wisdom Teeth Removed

Unfortunately another case of a person dieing after having wisdom teeth removed has occurred. See this page for some additional information on death from wisdom teeth removal. In this case a young 14 year old boy died within 24 hours after having his wisdom teeth removed. This story has been covered over at DailyMail located at The article states the young man had wisdom teeth removed early on a late Wednesday morning. He then took one penicillin tablet and one Oxycodone. He was then found to be dead early the following morning. An autopsy and toxicology tests are currently being performed. As indicated by a few of the commentators on the article it is not clear that the death was from the wisdom teeth removal but as speculation it would appear to be the contributing factor.

Potentially Rare Complications of Having a Tooth Removed

Last week an article appeared in the Post Tribune by the Chicago Sun Times titled “Tooth extraction brings unlikely complications,” written by Mark Taylor and published November 27, 2011. A discussion is made of a 58 year old man who came down with a toothache in wisdom tooth #31. He gets an appointment with an oral surgeon who pulls the tooth. Five days later he comes down with a severe headache and begins to lose control of his right hand. He eventually ends up at a hospital emergency room and an MRI is taken. He tells them that he just had a tooth pulled but they tell him it is a brain tumor and it has to come out. During the surgery the doctor realizes there is no tumor and later tests show fluid in the brain which included … Read more