Iatrogenic Fracture of the Mandibular Angle During Wisdom Tooth Surgery

An interesting article titled “Iatrogenic Fracture of the Mandibular Angle During Excision of an Impacted Third Molar” appears in Cureus in August 04, 2022, written by Agrawal P, Jadhav A, Bhola N D (vol. 14, no. 8, pp. e27672). The article discusses a case of a 30 year old woman who had atrogenic mandibular angle fracture after having an impacted wisdom tooth removed. In the article, the authors mention of a 30 year old woman visited their outpatient department complaining of pain and swelling over the lower right side of her face with an inability to open her mouth and chew for the last four days. Prior to this, she had her lower right impacted wisdom tooth removed under local anesthesia. On exam, the woman was found to have an asymmetrical face due to swelling over the lower right region … Read more

What is the Estimated Amount of Wisdom Teeth Extractions in the US

An interesting article titled “Estimated Cumulative Incidence of Wisdom Tooth Extractions in Privately Insured US Patients,” written by Alan R. Schroeder and et. al. appears in Frontiers in Dental Medicine (July 2022, vol. 3, article 937165). The article sought to determine the cumulative incidence and predictors of wisdom teeth extractions in the US. The article was motived by some of the controversy around wisdom teeth extractions and to better provide frequency estimates of the procedure to help inform future quality improvement initiatives and/or clinical trials. The authors used a national dental insurance claims database of privately insured patients (IBM MarketScan Dental Database), to help estimate the incidence of wisdom teeth extractions in the US and to determine variation by sex and geographic region. The authors included all patients in the database for their study who were under 60 years of … Read more

Woman goes on online shopping spree after wisdom teeth surgery

An interesting story is reported in WPDH about a woman who goes an online shopping spree after having her wisdom teeth removed. After the woman has her wisdom teeth removed and while still under the influence of anesthesia she goes on an online shopping spree. As part of her shopping spree the woman buys 4 pairs of black pants. She also buys several shirts to go with the pants. She also spends $140 on a pair of tennis shoes. The woman also buys her daugher a jacket. Besides clothing apparel, the woman decides she needs some new items for her home. She spends on a new laundry basket, a large order of toilet bowl cleaner, and on some cat litter inserts. The following days after having her wisdom teeth removed, the woman has no recollection of going on this online … Read more

Seventeen Year Old Teenager Due for Lung Transplant after Wisdom Teeth Removal

An unfortunate story appears in KRDO describing a seventeen year old man who had two impacted wisdom teeth extracted in October 2022 in Colorado. Seven days after the procedure the man started coughing up blood and ever since then his health has deteriorated. Prior to the surgery the teenager was in good health regularily lifting weights and playing with his siblings in his home state of Colorado. As reported in March 2023, now the man over four months later is an inpatient at a hospital and struggles to walk from a hospital bed to a bathroom that is five feet away. Two days after he started coughting up blood he went into septic shock where he was placed on a ventilator and moved into the intensive care unit of a hospital. His family is in a constant state of fear … Read more

Patients Wisdom Teeth Extraction Results in Reactive Arthritis

An interesting article titled “Reactive Arthritis Resulting From Postoperative Complications of Third Molar Extraction: A Case Report,” appears in Cureus in August 23, 2022, written by Lauren Maytin and Jeffrey Morrison (vol. 14, no. 8, pp. e28325). The article presents a case report of a 23 year old woman who develped reactive arthritis after wisdom teeth extraction. In the article the authors discuss a 23 year old woman who had a history of lower back and joint pain but developed more severe of symptoms of bilateral shoulder pain, decreased range of motion in her left shoulder, and worsening lower back after having an infected infected wisdom tooth extracted. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and and was prescribed adalimumab. Her laboratory results showed elevated indicators of inflammatory activity that were positive for HLA-B27. The woman presented to two weeks after wisdom … Read more