Latest Dental News

There are some articles I found recently that I feel may be worth a read. 1) Unfortunate Error in Oral Surgeon’s Background This article from the L.A. times discusses how Dr. Suzanne McCormick, president of the Dental Board of California,  wrongly removed 2 permanent molars instead of wisdom teeth from a patient several years ago, and settled out of court. 2) Some Facts your Dentist Does Not Want you to Know This interesting article provides insights in how you should be managing your dental care. Two fascinating tidbits from this article are “It is estimated that 15 to 18 percent of dentists are addicted to drugs or alcohol.” “Dr. Jay Friedman, the nation’s leading authority on dental quality control, once told me the source of the conventional wisdom that you should brush your teeth twice a day…He told me it … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal Leads to Coma

I was saddened to hear recently that a high school junior in Tonganoxie, Kansas, who recently went in to have his wisdom teeth removed, was seriously injured and left in a coma.  The oral surgeon who performed the surgery had just opened a new dental center. The cause for the injury is due to a faulty medical gas system which delivered oxygen and nitrous oxide. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family of Austin Stone, his friends, and the community. Already, the community has organized ‘Team Tongie’ to help raise money for incidental expenses of those who suffer from medical emergencies and crisis. To learn more visit the following links.

Wisdom Teeth in the News

Here are a few brief highlights of articles and links to them about wisdom teeth. “Dentists give new Meaning to Military Drills.” This article discusses dental work needed for U.S. soldiers. Soldiers have certain requirements they must meet regarding oral health. “Tooth Truth: Dental Surgery is Not all That Bad.” The author discusses his experience with wisdom teeth removal. He also portrays the near death experiences he has heard from others. (Well you could scroll down this blog to find death experiences… ) “Two Sides Quarrel on Wisdom Teeth.” Discusses the different sides of the wisdom teeth debate. Dr. Jay W. Friedman who leads the charge on stopping useless and uncessary removal of wisdom teeth discusses some of his viewpoints.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Leaves to Death Two Days After

Through an email I was saddened to hear about the recent loss and death of a young 21 year old. Her name was Victoria “Tori” Rubino. The article states “Rubino had had her wisdom teeth removed by dentists in her hometown two days before.” The results and reasons surrounding her death are still not clear. Hopefully a reason can be found soon. My website lists other reasons as to why people have died from wisdom teeth removal, although typically it happens more suddenly than several days after the extraction. To learn more visit

Wisdom Teeth Removal Book

I recently finished a book called Wisdom Teeth Removal : Lessons Learned, Healthcare Problems, and How to Be Better Prepared It discusses in detail my story and experience with doctors and the health system. It provides detailed information on how to better make a decision regarding the extraction of wisdom teeth by discussing complications and shortcomings of the health and legal systems. Twelve key takeaways from my experience with wisdom teeth removal and my health problems are presented and explained. The book is 61 pages in length, contains much of the information on along with new information and additional information. The price for the book is currently twelve dollars and can be purchased easily with paypal. To add the Wisdom Teeth Removal book to your shopping cart visit this link and select “Wisdom Teeth Removal Book.” If you have … Read more