The Defensive Patients Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

Medical doctors are often accused of practicing what is known as defensive medicine. With defensive medicine, a doctor will deviate from the normal practice of medicine in order to perform a medical treatment or run a diagnostic test in order to reduce potential exposure to a malpractice lawsuit. This leads to treatments and tests that are not clinically necessary and is often said to be a cause of overtesting and overtreatment. Defensive medicine is discussed as serving to protect the physician from a lawsuit by the patient. What is not discussed is the idea that a patient can also practice defensive medicine to protect the patient from losing a legitimate lawsuit against the physician. Applying this concept to wisdom teeth surgery, the following is suggested for a patient to help protect themselves from losing a legitimate lawsuit against a physician, … Read more

Meghan Trainor Has All Four Wisdom Teeth Removed

Meghan Trainor, is yet another recent celebrity to share that she has had her wisdom teeth removed. Other celebrities that have had wisdom teeth surgery have been discussed on this site before in the posts Celebrities who have had Wisdom Teeth Extracted and Recent Celebrities to have Wisdom Teeth Removal. Meghan is a 25 year old female, who is a famous musician. She shared on her Instagram on November 19, 2019, that she was planning to just have one wisdom tooth extracted, but that she was told all four wisdom teeth should be extracted, and thus had all four removed. View this post on Instagram I was initially going to just take one wisdom tooth out. The dentist said they all had to go. Wasn’t emotionally or mentally prepared but sure got some great content 😩😭😂 the second vid is … Read more

Celebrities who have had Wisdom Teeth Extracted

In early 2019, in a post titled Recent Celebrities to have Wisdom Teeth Removal, five celebrities who had wisdom teeth extracted in 2018 and early 2019 were discussed. This included Dua Lipa, Violett Bean, Pete Davidson, Justin Thomas, and Zendaya. After viewing this post, you may be wondering what other celebrities have had wisdom teeth extracted either recently or in the past. The first additional celebrity is Simone Biles, a 22 year old woman, who is a famous gymnast. She shared back on July 27, 2017, in an Instagram photo and Instagram video along with on her Twitter that she had her wisdom teeth extracted. In the video she is seen in a dental chair still hooked up to medical equipment with what looks like gauze in her mouth. The second additional celebrity is Miley Cyrus, a 26 year old … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Tweets From Twitter

In the past some wisdom teeth related tweets from Twitter have been shared on this site. See for example the posts Wisdom Teeth Removal: Tweets from Twitter and Indications for Removal of Wisdom Teeth. Below are some more recent wisdom teeth related tweets that have been shared on Twitter. 1. Related to Dry Socket 2. Related to Growing Pains 3. Related to Nerve Damage 4. Related to Sinus Complications Hopefully you found the above tweets interesting and or relevant. From the tweets many people were not happy about experiencing dry socket after having wisdom teeth removed. Others were not happy with pain and/or headaches experienced when their wisdom teeth are growing in. Still others had concerns about nerve damage from having wisdom teeth extracted. Further other tweets were related to sinus complications experience after having a wisdom tooth extracted. If … Read more

Sepsis After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Earlier in 2019 a case was described of a 25 year old woman from England who developed sepsis after having an infected wisdom teeth removed, see the post Risks of Keeping Wisdom Teeth: Infected Wisdom Tooth Removal Leads to Sepsis. However, having healthy wisdom teeth removed can also lead to sepsis. In May 2019, a 20 year Wisconsin woman had all four wisdom teeth removed along with a few other teeth in order to allow for orthodontic treatment. Specifically the woman was addressing having her teeth straightened and correcting an overbite. The day after the surgery the woman’s sister was concerned with her appearance and swelling and had her go to an emergency room at a hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital the woman had a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit and a very low blood pressure. The 20 year old … Read more