Which Caption Will You Choose: Wisdom Teeth To Remove or Not?

Flickr Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/joebeone/5016877623/ and has a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. This post is by no means realistic. These images are fake. However real tactics like these have actually been used before by the drug industry as a form of disease mongering although not applied to the wisdom teeth debate to my knowledge.

Music To Listen to After Wisdom Teeth Removal: YouTube Musicians

If you are recovering from having your wisdom teeth out or soon will be having surgery to have your wisdom teeth removed you may be looking for something to do. One thing I enjoy doing these days is listening to musicians on YouTube.  Below are some artists I have enjoyed lately with some of their music embedded for your enjoyment. Kurt Hugo Schneider. http://www.youtube.com/user/KurtHugoSchneider Kurt is doing extremely well for himself and has over 1 million YouTube subscribers. He graduated from Yale in 2010 with a degree in mathematics and has his own Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Hugo_Schneider The video below is produced by Kurt Hugo Schneider and features “Just a Dream” originally by Nelly with Sam Tsui http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Tsui  and Christina Grimmie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Grimmie http://www.youtube.com/user/zeldaxlove64 on the vocals. Tyler Ward. http://www.youtube.com/user/TylerWardMusic Tyler is my favorite musician on YouTube and is an extremely talented kind individual. … Read more

Why Weren’t the Wisdom Teeth Removed Before They Caused Problems?

Often on this blog and teethremoval.com I ask the question why were the wisdom teeth extracted? usually in response to a bad outcome as in complication from the surgery. A case recently came to light in Nevada and now has been added on the wisdom teeth risks of keeping them page. I became aware of the case by a Fox 5 News Story in Las Vegas, Nevada. http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/15079360/botched-medical-procedure-raises-questions. A 2 minute 36 second video clip presumably aired a few days ago and is at the link provided as well. A feel this segment that aired does not do the case justice. What is described by Fox 5 News is that a young male had his wisdom teeth extracted and was later declared brain dead. The story essentially makes the case that you need to do extensive research when you are … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Videos on Youtube to Promote Dental Practices

I found some interesting videos showing how a dentist extracts a wisdom tooth on youtube. While these videos may appear to be innocent, they actually are designed to promote the dentist’s office and practice. Even so they are informative for those interesting in learning more about wisdom tooth surgery. The first video shows Jonathan H. Kim. D.D.S. who is a San Jose, California, dentist. The second video shows Dr. Jerry Gordon who is a dentist in Bensalem, Philadelphia. In the first video a woman has two wisdom teeth extracted. At the end of the video she says the surgery was painless and says that others should stop by. In the second video a woman has an upper wisdom tooth that has been bothering her removed.  At the end of the video the woman says the surgery didn’t hurt and she … Read more

Family Reaches $3 million settlement from faulty medical gas during wisdom teeth removal

I have previously reported on Austin Stone, a teenager who was left with partial blindness and neurological problems after having his wisdom teeth removed. Today a partial settlement has been reached for $3 million with Action Plumbing; however, they denied being liable. Legal action is still pending against other defendants. Austin visited Dr.  Steven Kirk Vincent in Lawrence, Kansas, U.S., in March 2009, to have all four of his wisdom teeth removed.  Dr. Vincent had just had a new dental surgery center opened and Austin was the first patient to visit on a Monday morning. Dr. Vincent began administering to Austin what he believed to be nitrous oxide and oxygen. Austin did not become sedated and so Dr. Vincent administered diazepam, fentanyl, and later propofol. Austin’s heart rate began to decrease and Dr. Vincent administered what he believed to be … Read more