Reoperation in Wisdom Teeth Having Coronectomy
An interesting article titled “What Are the Parameters for Reoperation in Mandibular Third Molars Submitted to Coronectomy? A Systematic Review,” appears in the 2019 edition of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery written by Barcellos et al. The article seeks to identify factors that are associated with needing a reoperation after having a lower wisdom tooth coronectomy. Coronectomy is often suggested to treat wisdom teeth where their is a belief their is a high chance of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve with their removal see for example Do People Know about Coronectomy For Management of Wisdom Teeth? and Coronectomy Five Year Follow Up. Typically such risk is assessed using panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography. In the article the authors implemented a systematic review exploring articles on wisdom teeth coronectomy up until June 2018. A total of 362 studies … Read more