Bringing About Healthcare Change

There is a very interesting piece that appears in AAOMS Today in the May/June 2011 issue on page 16 titled “The power to change: Our specialty’s revolution” The article opens up with the following The power to effect change is one of the most distinctive characteristics of being human. Mankind has the ability to change our surroundings not just to survive, but also to thrive The article draws parallels to the foundations of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence. Then the following appears midway in the article Our power lies in our own leadership in research and education. Our motivation is to prevent any other organization or entity from dictating to OMS what we can do, what we should do, and how we should do it. Then a donation is asked for to help support research … Read more

Dental Care in Japan

I found an interesting piece by Kevin Rafferty in The Japan Times Online from June 15, 2011, titled “A dentist need not be a masked demon.” The article is located here The article gives an inside look into recent developments in dentistry with a particular focus on Japan but the principals and message apply globally. The main focus on the article centers around a report soon to be published in both English and Japanese titled “Guideline for treating caries following a minimal intervention policy, an evidence and consensus based study.” The report was conducted by Mikako Hayashi of Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry and her committee in which 18 months was spent conducting research. Some notabled quotes from the article by Kevin Rafferty include “Recent advances in dentistry include recognition that teeth, if properly treated, regularly cleaned and … Read more

The Lack of Importance of Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Programs

A current article in press 2011 (at the time of this writing) will appear in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The article is titled Attitudes and Opinions of Residency Directors and Residents About the Importance of Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residences by Ali E. Mohammad, Al M. Best, and Daniel M. Laskin. The conclusion of the article is quite grim The failure of all residency programs to provide actual research experience for their trainees has resulted in a decrease in the contributions that such programs have traditionally made to the literature and the advancement of the speciality. It is important that steps be taken to reverse this trend. The article describes a study that was conducted to determine the research status done by residents in oral and maxillofacial surgery training programs.  A questionnaire was developed for … Read more

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Inversely Proportional to Periodontitis

Periodontitis (periodontal disease)  is a inflammatory disease which is caused by bacteria accumulating at the gum line. This can cause bone loss. Periodontal disease possibly occurring later in life in the wisdom tooth region is commonly a reason given by dentists and oral surgeons to remove healthy wisdom teeth. However, based on current literature understanding and assestment, wisdom teeth should not be removed if they are healthy due to a risk of periodontal disease. If periodontal disease were to later occur, then a conservative approach should be followed. This is discussed in more details on the wisdom teeth controversy page. A study that was published in 2010, looked at data from 9,182 adults ages 20 and older and met certain criteria from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study between the years 1999 and 2004. Periodontal examinations were … Read more

16 Year Old Female Dies After Wisdom Teeth Removal

I was very saddened to recently hear about the death on May 5, 2011, of a young 16 year old girl who was a sophomore in high school in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was in the ROTC program and had aspirations to join the Army. Miciah Bonzani went into cardiac arrest while under anesthesia to have her wisdom teeth removed. She was taken to a hospital, placed on life support, and then died 2 days later. She was born with a heart defect which had required two surgeries before her first birthday. What is also troubling to me about this unfortunate death is that one of the media organizations that covered the story WPXI/, did not even mention that it occurred while having wisdom teeth extracted.  They simply called it “dental work” and an “outpatient medical procedure”, although … Read more