Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Crowding?

For some reason which is not clear to me, people still often ask the question: do wisdom teeth cause crowding of anterior teeth? The answer to this question is a plain and simple no. Thomas B. Dodson, DMD, MPH says “extracting third molars to prevent or alleviate crowding of the dentition is not usually justified.” Jay Friedman, a retired dentist, says “It is not possible for lower third molars, which develop in the spongy interior cancellous tissue of bone with no firm support, to push 14 other teeth with roots implanted vertically like the pegs of a picket fence so that the incisors in the middle twist and overlap.” Dr. Jeff , a dentist, says “Wisdom teeth will not cause lower anterior crowding, ask any competent orthodontist, or just think about it from a logical standpoint. Realistically can a tooth … Read more

Deadly Infection and Wisdom Teeth Removal

I found a short snippet from the Wharton School of Business. The article addresses Wharton’s 2010 Business Plan Competition. One of the teams in the article is called R2R Therapeutics. The motivation for the team was 2nd year Wharton MBA student Bee Rhee who almost lost his wife due to a bacterial infection that occurred after the removal of his wife’s wisdom teeth. His wife was given antibiotics and they were able to stop the infection and she is currently alive today. However this business plan from this team does highlight a growing concern in healthcare which has to do with bacterial which is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. R2R Therapeutics’ goal is to combat these drug resistant bacteria by focusing on a novel cationic steroid antibiotic called R2R-1 which will work to disrupt the cell membrane and … Read more

Dentist Donates Free Services

I always like to here about stories where dentists are offering their services to others for free. In April 2010, Eric Welz a 16 year old high school student who  dental services worth over $2,500 from the “Give a Kid a Smile” program offered from Total Dentistry. Eric had all of his wisdom teeth removed, three cavities filled, and dental sealants applied to his back teeth.  For those interested, Total Dentistry is no longer currently offering the program but it may appear again in the future on their website I have heard of other dental providers offering such services. You may want to talk to your dental provider to see if they know or offer any such service. It would be nice if all children and adults could have the dental care they desire without having to worry about … Read more

Stone Disabled After Wisdom Teeth Removal

I found a nice update piece on Austin Stone who was disabled due to a  faulty medical gas line during the extraction of his wisdom teeth. To see what I have reported earlier about Stone on this blog visit The new update piece on Stone talks about how he continues to push forward. He now walks with a cane and his also aided by tow full time paraprofessionals. He is attending Kansas State School for the Blind. Unable to run as he did on the track team in high school he is now taking up music as a release. Stone’s story will also soon be shown on Cable TV.

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Contact Information and Request

I encourage you to submit emails, phone calls, and /or letters to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). Here is an convenient email list containing emails of the current AAOMS officers and trustees in which you can your message to,,,,,,,,,,,,, Here is the message I recently sent to them. By promoting the idea of removing healthy impacted wisdom teeth the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are not living up to their mission statement, are being unethical, irresponsible, and contributing to the public health hazard that is facing many Americans. Each year thousands of Americans are left with permanent disability as a result of elective oral surgery to remove their wisdom teeth. This practice is not justified by any scientific evidence and … Read more