As the name of this website is, often discussion of removing teeth, specifically wisdom teeth, are mentioned. One way to find out what people are saying first hand from their wisdom teeth removal experience is from Twitter. Many tweet out some 140 character message with the hashtag #wisdomteeth. Below I have included many tweets with the hashtag #wisdomteeth over the past year in 2014.
1) alexis @kickrockspunk
all these ppl at the movie theater eating popcorn and i’m just like slurpee w/ no straw #wisdomteeth
2) paige @paaigehattonn
I feel the need to explain to everyone why my cheeks are huge when I’m out #wisdomteeth
3) David Solberg @da_solberg16
Will sell soul to eat solid food #WisdomTeeth
4) weston huser @westonhuser
I get to be a chipmunk tomorrow #WisdomTeeth
5) Jenna Haverkamp @JennaHaverkamp
Dear Lord,
Please don’t let me say or do anything self incriminating in front of my mother while on happy pills today. #wisdomteeth
6) Carley Gassi @cargassi
The surgeon told me it didnt actually happen unless i took a selfie after #wisdomteeth
7) Mason Douglas Schaaf @masonschaaf1
Don’t know where I was or who took this picture but these meds got me messed up #wisdomteeth
8) KT @kt_leiker
gotta date with my pain meds & ice cream today #wisdomteeth
9) Lauren Alaina @Lauren_Alaina
Dry sockets have to be the worst pain that I have ever felt. #whyyyy #wisdomteeth
If you have seen a tweet in regards to wisdom teeth removal on twitter and you thought it was great, let me know in the comments. Most of the themes from the tweets above and others I have seen revolve around a) the medications given to help with pain for wisdom teeth surgery and afterward can make you out of it, b) the swelling caused by wisdom teeth removal can lead to chipmunk checks, and c) you can’t eat normal solid foods for a few days after wisdom teeth surgery.
I had fun reading those tweets from wisdom teeth removal. Thanks for sharing this post.
These are pretty funny. Wisdom teeth aren’t fun to get out, but what you do when you get them out can be hysterical.I feel a personal connection to number five, for I said similar things in my head when I got mine out.