5 Important Food Habits to Follow If You Have Braces

Did you get metal, clear or ceramic braces to fix your crooked teeth? If yes, then you have to take measures to maintain them properly. You need to change your eating habits to make sure you get all the benefits of orthodontic treatment without any issues or damage.

1. Say No to Sugar

Sugar is an absolute no-no if you have braces. Sugary food debris can get stuck in your teeth and braces. The sugar from these foods will mix with the plaque on the teeth and create acid which damages the teeth enamel. The higher the sugar intake, the more damage will be done to the teeth enamel.

This acid can also create permanent white spots on your teeth. Sugary foods will lead to cavities as well.

2. Eat Smaller Bites

Do not bite into whole fruits, vegetables or meats. Instead, cut your food into small, bite-sized pieces. This helps in limiting the amount of biting and chewing that the teeth will have to do.

Moreover, it will help you manage the braces pain better. Biting down on hard foods may damage your braces. Cutting down the food into small bites will prevent this.

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3. Ditch Habits like Nail-Biting

Certain bad habits like nail-biting or chewing on objects like pens are detrimental to the braces. These habits can wear down your teeth and cause your teeth to become crooked again.

Nail-biting puts pressure on your teeth and their roots, causing them to move from their position and get crooked. Crooked teeth caused by nail-biting may delay your orthodontic treatment. You may have to wear the braces longer than the time you were expecting if you bite your nails.

4. Eat the Right Foods

Avoid hard and crunchy foods like candy, raw vegetables, hard fruits, and nuts as they can damage the wires and brackets of the braces. Tough meats like beef jerky can loosen the wires and brackets. Stay away from sticky foods like caramel and toffee.

5. Keep the Braces Clean After Eating

Make sure the braces are clean after you eat. Brush and floss your teeth after meals to make sure that no food scraps remain stuck between the teeth and spaces between the braces. Flossing will remove the food particles in places that a brush can’t reach. Practicing good dental hygiene makes sure that the teeth remain healthy during and after the orthodontic treatment.

Stick to a softer diet as it will be easier on your teeth and gums. Add steamed vegetables, cheese, eggs, pasta, yogurt, soft fruits and soft bread to your diet.

Avoid colored food items like coffee, wine, beetroots, berries, grape juice, and blackcurrants as they will stain your teeth.

You will have to make certain lifestyle changes and be more cautious about what you eat when you have braces. It may seem inconvenient at first, but it will be worth it in the long run. The braces will make your life better by fixing your crooked or crowded teeth, overbite, and underbite.

Author Bio:

This is a guest post by Dr. Satish Pai who is an orthodontist and Ivy League trained dentist who has served as a faculty at Columbia University. He believes a perfect smile not only makes a person look great but feel great. As the founder of Putnam Orthodontics and a Partner at Rome Orthodontics, he is dedicated to providing the best orthodontic treatments to his patients. He also writes to educate people about everything orthodontics and the importance of correctly aligned teeth along with good oral health. In his free time, you can find him golfing, doing yoga or surfing, and spending time with this family.

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