What to Expect for Your First Dental Filling

When you go for your first dental filling, whether it’s just one of the first of many, there are a few things to expect. Whether you have a cavity needing a filling or your tooth has been severely worn away by grinding at night, you can trust that the procedure is less traumatic than you’ve been previously led to believe. What Is a Filling, Anyway? The ultimate goal of dentistry is to make your smile as beautiful and long-lasting as possible. To maintain that beauty, your dentist may have to place a dental filling, also known as a “dental restoration,” in your tooth. Dentists can use a variety of dental fillings for the many different kinds of dental cavities. Dental fillings are used in cases where cavities are present in the teeth. A cavity is caused when a sugar-craving bacteria … Read more

What are Dental Extractions?

Dental extractions are the process of removing teeth. They typically are not painful. Dental extractions can range in difficulty depending on factors including position, anatomy, and density of bone. They can be simple or complicated, requiring a surgical approach. A dental anesthetic is used to freeze the extraction site to prevent pain during dental extraction. Patients usually have mild discomfort following dental extraction that can be relieved with pain killers such as Ibuprofen. What Are Dental Extractions? Teeth are extracted when they aren’t performing their normal functions. These could include teeth that would cost too much to repair or teeth with deep decay which could damage nerves and other healthy teeth in your mouth if they were left untreated. Sometimes dental extractions are necessary for orthodontic purposes. Extractions can range in difficulty depending on factors including position, anatomy, and density … Read more

Relatable Reasons Why Adults Should Consider Braces

There are ample reasons for adults to get braces. Although people usually get braces during adolescent years, with changing times, many adults are opting for braces to straighten their teeth. Oral health may change unexpectedly, leading to teeth moving and causing dental issues. An adult may be uncomfortable with their smile or have trouble with oral hygiene because of the placement of your teeth. To put things in perspective, below are a few reasons adults may opt for braces: Affordable Treatment Options:Braces are one solution to numerous dental issues, including overbite, underbite, misalignment & even hypodontia. The best part about considering braces as an adult is that they are affordable. You may choose from traditional braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, or Invisalign according to your budget. These days, most dental practices offer flexible payment options that you can use to … Read more

5 Ways to Prepare for a Dental Check-Up

Even though you do your best to take good care of your teeth by brushing twice per day and flossing daily, visiting your dentist is also an essential part of any effective oral care routine. Typically a recommendation is to schedule visits with a dentist every six months to maintain optimal oral health. While there’s not much you have to do to prepare for this office visit, there are a few things you can do to have a more effective and more pleasant experience. Verify Your Appointment It has probably taken you time to choose a dental care facility from among numerous options in your area such as the dentists in Westerville Ohio, so you will want to maintain a good relationship with your dentist. You can achieve a good relationship by making sure you make your appointments for treatment … Read more

Too Much Sugar Consumption is Leading to Increased Dental Treatments

At the global level the costs of dental treatment are currently running at around 172 billion US dollars. Researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG (BRAIN AG) carried out research within the alliance NatLifE 2020. The alliance is co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, with the aim of understanding of biological systems leading to the development of a new generation of sustainably produced and biological active substances for foods and cosmetics. The researchers evaluated data on the prevalence of caries, inflammation of gums (periodontitis) and tooth loss, costs of treatments, and sugar consumption, in 168 countries for the year 2010. Using this data they calculated the share of total costs due to excessive consumption of sugar. The researchers looked into consumption of white household sugar and sugar in processed products, … Read more