How soon can you go swimming after wisdom teeth surgery

After having teeth extracted it may be tempting to want to head right back to the pool, especially if one is a competive swimmer. However, if you had teeth extracted, it is possible your dentist or oral surgeon cut part of the gum or even given you stitches to close the hole where your tooth was. Having a tooth extracted can potentially result in an infection. Going in a pool or a lake may cause bacteria to enter the wound. Particulary if one surbmerges their face in the water. Therefore, it’s best it is best to wait until the wound is healed to go back in the water. If you had wisdom teeth surgery, you should wait at least 2 weeks before swimming. For single-tooth non wisdom tooth extractions, 24 to 48 hours may be enough time for the wound … Read more

Coated gauze may help with pain and dry socket after wisdom teeth removal

An interesting article titled “Retrospective analysis for predictors of postsurgical complications from third molar extraction with use of oxytetracycline–hydrocortisone-coated gauze inserted in extraction socket” appears in Oral Science International, written by Sayumi Matsuda and et. al. and published on June 15, 2023. The article sought to explore a study of a technique of inserting gauze coated with oxytetracycline–hydrocortisone ointment into a wisdom tooth extraction socket and look at the occurence of dry socket and pain when compared to a those without the gauze. The researchers applied the gauze technique to 286 patients who had lower wisdom teeth removed. The authors found the incidence of dry socket after extraction was 1.05% (with a 95% confidence interval of 0.22% to 3.03%) and the incidence of post-extraction infection was 0.35% (with a 95% confidence interval of 0.01% to 1.91%). These percentages were lower … Read more

Twenty something year old woman spends two nights in ICU after wisdom tooth removal and failures by dentist

In April 2018 in New Zealand, a twenty something year old woman had to spend two nights in the intensive care unit (ICU) after having a wisdom tooth removed. The woman had a lower right wisdom tooth extracted. This was after she presented at a dental clinic and told the dentist that she had experience on and off pain for over two years near the lower right wisdom tooth. Recently she had constant pain for over a week and and found it difficult to eat or open her mouth. The dentist diagnosed pericoronitis, which is inflammation of the tissue surrounding wisdom teeth and said the woman could either have an antibiotic to take or have the wisdom tooth extracted. The woman elected extraction. In the days that followed the woman “was in pain, her face was swollen, and she could … Read more

Charli D’Amelio Wisdom Teeth Journey

Just a few weeks ago on this blog, an article was shared titled Brad Pitt, Cara Delevingne, and Russell Wilson Latest Celebrities to have Wisdom Teeth Removed in 2021 that discussed some big name celebrities to have wisdom teeth extracted in 2021. A few days after that article was published, TikTok star Charli D’Amelio had her wisdom teeth extracted. Of course knowing, Charli she had to document the whole procedure of her wisdom teeth surgery and the aftermath for her followers. She posted a nearly 13 minute video on YouTube that already after a few weeks has over 3 million views. In the video, Charli is seen driving to the procedure. When she arrives she shows a panoramic x-ray of her mouth which includes her four wisdom teeth. She points to them and says how a few of them hurt … Read more

Management and Risks of Dry Socket After Wisdom Teeth Removal

An interesting article titled “Alveolar osteitis: a critical review of the aetiology and management” written by Veale appears in the 2015 edition of Oral Surgery (vol. 8, pp. 68-77). The article attempts to provide guidance on the best treatment and prevention of alveolar osteitis more commonly known as dry socket. Dry socket is a common complication after wisdom teeth removal that typically occurs around 2 to 4 days after surgery. With dry socket there is a total or partial loss of the blood clot from the socket, which results in an inflammatory response and intense pain. Dry socket is believed to occur up to 5% of the time after a wisdom tooth extraction and some studies show it more often occurs after a lower wisdom tooth removal. In the article many risks factors of dry socket are attempted to be … Read more