The American Student Dental Association (ASDA) has recently published a White Paper on Ethics & Professionalism in Dental Education which can be found at
The paper is designed to help address issues of cheating which have occurred at dental schools.
The ASDA Student Code of Ethics states that, “ASDA recognizes the importance of high ethical standards
in the dental school setting. Therefore, the Association believes students should conduct themselves
in a manner reflecting integrity and fairness in both the didactic and clinical learning environments.
Ethical and professional behavior by dental students is characterized by honesty, fairness, and
integrity in all circumstances; respect for the rights, differences, and property of others; concern for the
welfare of patients, competence in the delivery of care, and preservation of confidentiality in all situations
where this is warranted.”
The paper addresses some of the reasons as to why students cheat and how to go about solving these ethical issues.