
Hey guys, I just wanted to share a quick update of how this website has been fairing as far as people visiting go. It has gradually been increasing each month through my promotion and SEO efforts. Hopefully I can keep the trend going throughout the summer. I have a few more ideas in mind to increase visibility in primarily Google as I do not rank as well in Google as I do in MSN and Yahoo. However, Google makes up the most of the people who find my site.

Here is a chart to help illustrate the site’s growth. Thanks to everyone for visiting!

MONTHLY bar3d upd jun08 - Promoting

1 thought on “Promoting”

  1. Hey Wisdom, I’m glad to see that your traffic is improving nicely – you deserve it. Just keep pumping out quality content and you’ll likely improve your traction with Google. Thanks for being such a great contributor on the Dental Heroes Blog by the way!

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